Monday, February 12, 2007

Saturday night, Saturday nite...

Pam, I and the kids ran around Saturday morning, getting photos developed and running to the LandsEnd outlet store near my house while Jerome and Jaime worked on trying to lock down our wireless with no luck. They packed up and left just before lunch on Saturday. There was a mention of them heading to Taco Bell for lunch..... which had Jerome's tummy thinking about the same thing. He ended up seeing them there!

We hung out most of the day... I took a nice long nap. Jerome woke up at some point and went to St. Paul to pick up his youngest daughter, JST. She hung out with him until I woke up. I recall him saying something to me... but I didn't really know what he said while I was asleep... apparently he told me that she was there!?!?!?! We watch A Diary of a Mad Black Woman and then went to AppleBee's for dinner.

Jerome took her home while I ran to buy a new pair of pants since we were going out with Rod and Lisa. After all it was "Saturday night, Saturday night".

I had called Lisa on our way to dinner. She was going to be waking up Rod from his nap and then was going to call us back as to when they were planning to be down town. Well... we had dinner, I went shopping, Jerome dropped of his daughter, and drove back to Bloomington and we still hadn't heard anything. I thought "ta hell with it".... and decided I would rather go to bed than to be in a club for two hours and then hang out until the wee hours just so that I would then have to wake up in time to go to the painting class on Sunday.

So we didn't go.


  1. If you need help securing your wireless network, just ask. I can get you locked down!


  2. Well apparently there is something because we use Qwest (our phone service) and DSL from them....

    If you've got any advice let me know!
