Friday, September 22, 2006

What day is it?

Ughhhhh... so technically they said they were going to be done with the basement today... then they pushed it back because they didn't have enough Cedar for all the walls... okay fine. Yesterday they came and installed the padding under our carpet... except it doesn't feel the same! Our old stuff (now really how old is it to us...we just move in here in July!) was a ton more cushier when you stepped on it... and in 1/4 of the room it still is that way... where they left our old pad underneath. Now had they just repadded (is that a word?) the entire floor I don't think I would have noticed.

So... I called. I complained. But it was to their after hours phone line company. So Seth called me this morning. I told him. I complained. He stated it was the same, but he would have the guys check it today. Okay... well while they are here can you have them hook up the washer and dryer since it's still not hooked up... Seth stated I thought you were thinking of painting another layer so they left it out. No... we aren't painting another layer... your layer covered it just fine for us... for a laundry room. I wasn't about to get into it about the couches yet. OYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!

And then they didn't even show up today! What's up with that. So after work I call... again. I get the after hours phone company... again. I complain... again. I tell the lady that Seth told me he would have someone out here today to hook it up. She asked if it was an emergency. Well no... my washer and dryer aren't hooked up nor have they been since Monday and the laundry is piling up but the house isn't on fire. She states, "well maybe he will check his messages over the weekend". I though yeah right as I tell her that I want to be the first phone call that Seth makes on Monday because I assume they won't come over this weekend and hook it up. "Of course Ma'am". I wanted to scream DO NOT CALL ME MA'AM I AM NOT 84 YEARS OLD!

On another note... mom and dad left for Germany today. I hope they have a safe flight and all is fun and good. I'm sure I'll post about it if I hear from them.

On yet another note.... for those of you that read the wedding weekend post you recall that a group of us went out the nite before our wedding. We danced and had a great time... probably the most fun of the weekend for me. With the exception of Jerome stepping on my big toe three times that night. Yes... three times. With that you should also know that I had surgery on my toe two or three times... bad nails what can I say. Well last night it happened... the nail came off. I told those of you that were there that it would... and it did.

And odd fact... our Reverend from our ceremony also preformed a wedding a week after ours for one of my co-workers. Apparently this Reverend has a preliminary check box to check before preforming a wedding ceremony. All her brides must have a hurt left big toe. SCARY! So... if you are looking to get hitched and need a reverend I can recommend one... but know that your toe will suffer!

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