Monday, October 04, 2010

Frugal Crafting

So I saw this cute idea on a site and thought... hey... I can do that! And I could! And all for under $4... now that's what I call frugal.

You can get your supplies at the Dollar Tree for the most part. The foam ring, the ribbon and even the mini glue gun glue (not the actual gun... at least not at my Dollar Tree).  The beige coffee filters were bought at Cub Foods since my Dollar Tree only carried white coffee filters... but I'm thinking that I may make a white one too now!

I needed something to set my glue gun on and went searching for a paper plate when gasp... I saw on the counter a lid to a soup can, thanks hubby.  I ran it under the faucet and was good to go!

So start with a coffee filter.

Fold the filter in half.

Then fold it in half again.

Run a dab of hot glue on the ring.

Place the tip of the coffee filter on the ring in the glue.  Try not to burn yourself or you'll end up with a nice little blister... not that I know anything about that though.

When I was adding mine I did four coffee filters left to right on the ring and then two filters up and down, repeat.

I added a little loop on the back for hanging.

Here's the completed wreath.  I thought it needed a wee bit more... thus the off center ribbon was made.

I ended up needing a long piece of ribbon to hang it over the mirror (which is how I originally saw this craft on a site).  Not sure if I like it there... but I do know that I like the wreath itself!

So cute, so crafty, so frugal.

What are you crafting?  Anything?


  1. FUN! :-)

    I signed up to take a jewelry making class at JoAnn's because I want to make the jewelry for my wedding party (and I just think it would be cool to make my own jewelry!) But the class got canceled (apparently I was the only person who thought it'd be fun to make jewelry on a Friday night!?!?!?!?) Now I have to wait until next month's class and hope it doesn't get canceled!

  2. thanks for leaving me a comment (i replied back but never know if people come back to read the reply or not)

    I already did a coffee filter wreath! :) and I LOVE IT! :)

    made one already! :)
