Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Where oh where I have I been?

Well in blogland it seems like I haven't posted forever. Nuff said.

Last Friday Jerome had off from work and met me for lunch at work. It was nice to have lunch with him and my co-worker Linda. We chatted and he was on his way after that to cash a check for me and run to St. Paul to see JST.

I stayed at work and had a happy hour to go to afterwards. Oh did $h!# hit the fan there. I won't and can't go into details... let's just say people were voicing their opinions regarding their former employers. Oye!

After that I went and picked up my nifty new phone. It's pretty awesome.... so awesome in fact that once Jerome saw it he wanted to trade his in for mine. Copy cat!

Saturday we woke up and went for breakfast at the bagel joint right by the Sprint store. After breakfast we headed over to the store to exchange Jerome's phone for the one that I got the previous day. The little stinker got his mail in rebate processed in the store because he was trading his new phone in for a different one... I on the other hand will have to wait 4-6 weeks for mine to process. The nerve.

We headed home and decided that we needed to get some boards for under our bed... there were three slats under our bed...but it didn't seem sturdy enough to me. We measured everything and got some 2x4s. While we were on our way into Home Depot I called Lisa asking what she and Rod were up to... they were at an auction... Jerome and I weren't going to be long in Home Depot and said we would shoot over there since we were bored.

Lisa called back as we were leaving letting me know that the auction was actually over... but we ended up going to their house to hang out instead. The four of us played a game of spades... Jerome and I lost the first round. We decided we were hungry and headed to Friday's for some dinner.

We hung out in the bar for a bit until we were seated. There were a few exciting moments - the bible championship team was there taking up about 10 tables, us scarfing down appetizers in a record time, and a close call with flying hair. We wrapped up and quickly headed out of the restaurant as we were stuffed and overheated.

We headed back to Lisa and Rod's for round two of Spades... which... I and Jerome won... and it was a very close game... of course we had to play a tie breaker. We were at a point where we were tied and called it quits. Jerome has seen how competitive my family gets regarding card games... we learned it from my mom... what can I say?!?!!? He knew if we lost the tie breaker he would have a not so happy wife.... needless to say we packed up and went home.

Sunday we didn't do much... in fact I took about a four hour long nap after breakfast just to get up and eat lunch... just to watch Desperate Housewives and head back to bed!

Monday I was back at work... Jerome had President's Day off due to working for the bank. Ughhh. I really hate to get up with him still in bed asleep... I don't know how he does it every day!

He didn't meet up with me for lunch, but when I got home dinner was made, nice music was playing and the dishes were done. Awwww :) We then went to my all time favorite.... Target! Yup... he went with, didn't complain the whole time about being there, and even pushed the cart the whole time. (THANKS Sweetie!) It was a nice surprise. We came home and worked on bills (stupid Direct TV has been charging us over for the past two months - or so we thought - our "introductory price" is over and now have to pay the real price or change plans.... ummm we will change plans of course (no more 87 channels of sports - sorry guys!)) and then headed to bed.

Today we both went to work... but of course Jerome didn't make a full work day yet this week! He was off to the dentist in the afternoon for a teeth cleaning. What a work week!

I headed to another happy hour, jeeze I sound like a lush! This time though it was at Friday's with a different department that I have a few friends in. We hung out... I ordered dinner to go for Jerome and I. Once it arrived I was outta there and headed home.

So far, I've tried to fix the freakin header for this here blog... still isn't right, ate dinner, read a new Star mag that came in the mail (all about Anna Nicole Smith mind you), closed a Pampered Chef show, talked on the phone to an old co-worker about the Friday happy hour and wrote this really long post.

Now that you're caught up, what have you been up to?

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