Thursday, December 28, 2006

New Years...

Do you have any plans for New Year's Eve? Any resolutions for 2007?

Jerome and I are trying to get together with Lisa and Rod, hopefully out on the town! If you know of anything going on in the Twin Cities please let me know!

As far as resolutions... I'm going to try to be kinder to my new hubby and also try to put things back where they belong the first time instead of having to spend my weekends putting everything from the entire week back. Oh and it wouldn't hurt to try to do laundry more often!

And yes, that is yours truly in that picture with my daddy's beer bottle!

1 comment:

  1. Sweet picture KIMMY! Reminds me of New Year's past with our "special" juice! Love ya mom! LOL

    We are going to one of Andy's buddies house. They can't find a is partying it up with my folks and their neighbors who have a little boy her age. And we are taking the boys for pizza and the Packer Game! Hopefully it will be fun!
