Sunday, March 31, 2013

So it's been awhile...

So... ummm... yeah.

It's been a few weeks... ummm months... shit... YEARS!

What's happened since November 2011... not much sadly.

Last you heard I was hired into a company... retail-land.  Woot woot.  Yeah not my dream job by any means.  I worked at two stores in that time and just this past month I left that position.

I've decided to go back to temping.  When I first moved to Minne"snow"da I was a temp.  I loved it.  I made good money.  I met a ton of people.  And, yes, I eventually was hired on by a company.  Well they don't call it temping any more... I'm a contractor :)  So technical.

Other than a change in my work life, I don't really feel like much has happened to me or us.  We've painted the exterior of our house which went from an old man grey house to a smashing navy with white and chartreuse accents.  It's the cutest house on the block if I do say so myself.

I got myself a new nephew... who's actually just about to turn one.

I feel like I'm pulling teeth here... seriously... time to get a life and thus why there has been no blogging going on.  Plus that retail thing really threw me for a loop... working days, nights and weekends.

1 comment:

  1. I am responding again. Wonder why my first one didn't take. Now that you have a cool new phone we should see much more of what's going on with you :-)
