Saturday, September 25, 2010


I'm thankful to have such a great hubby. He knows his way around a car... and I'm not talking about just the back seat :)

Recently my car has been nothing but trouble.

When we tried going out of town a few weekends ago my car died on the side of the highway just as we crossed the boarder to Wisconsin. The hubs was smart to drive it back over the boarder once we were able to get it cooled down.

We ended up calling my insurance company and having it towed to our house. We got a ride with a friend back to our house, jumped in the truck and headed back to our weekend out of the cities. When we returned home to see my car in the driveway we were able to push it into the garage.

He fixed it pretty quick.

Then last week we went to the movies. I had been driving in my car all day. No problems. So... off we went to the other side of the cities for a screening. As soon as we pulled into the drive way after the show the car started to smoke! Ugh... not again.

Well... he fixed it again this weekend. Thank you hun for being my car mechanic! I'm glad we don't have to spend money taking it to the shop and paying their outrageous labor fees.

Let's hope we're good now and don't have any more issues with the car!

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